Government links
Links to Canadian Government and Other Government Information and Accountability Sites on the Internet
The links listed below start with official general information websites about Canadian governments and laws, then websites related to specific government accountability issues, and finally other websites helpful for tracking what is happening in Canadian politics and for holding governments accountable.
- Government of Canada Primary Site (The Government of Canada is the Executive Cabinet (legal name "Governor-in-Council") made up of the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, their staff and appointees and the Governor General of Canada, as well as government employees (known as public or civil servants))
- Government of Canada's Service Canada website (for links to services and programs)
- Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Cabinet Committees
- Parliamentary Secretaries (essentially junior Cabinet ministers)
- Privy Council Office (serves Cabinet)
- Guides and reports for Cabinet ministers
- Accountable Government: A Guide for Ministers and Ministers of State-2008 (published October 30, 2008 - HTML format)
- Guides and reports for Cabinet ministers
- Cabinet appointees
- Government of Canada News Releases
- On-line Contact Directory of Federal Civil Servants
Parliament of Canada websites
- Parliament of Canada
- How Canadians Govern Themselves (general information webpage/booklet by Parliament about how Canada's parliamentary democracy works)
- House of Commons
- Senate of Canada
- Committees of the Parliament of Canada
- Provincial and Territorial governments (contains links for official homepages of Canadian provincial and territorial governments)
- Provincial and Territorial parliaments
- Structure of Ontario's Provincial Government and How Ontario's Provincial Government Works (TV Ontario's "Civics 101" webpages about the Ontario provincial government)
- How To Be An Effective Advocate (Democracy Education Network's how-to materials on participating in government and corporate decision-making processes)
Finding Canadian Constitution, Laws, Bills, Budgets and Policies
- General links page for all Draft Federal Laws (known as "Bills") being considered by Parliament
- Federal Bills being considered by Parliament (a very useful searchable site that contains the text, debates, and background information for all federal bills)
- Constitution of Canada
- Canadian Federal Laws (a very useful searchable site for all Canadian Federal Laws)
- General Search Site for Canadian Court Rulings and Laws
- Federal Government Policies for Public Servants
- Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial Laws
- Another Link for Canadian Federal, Provincial & Territorial Laws
- Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial Draft Laws (ie. Bills) and related material
- Laws, Budgets, Issues, Key Libraries in Canada
Canadian Police and Prosecutors
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (commonly known as the RCMP, the federal police force that also serves as the provincial and territorial police force in several provinces and territories)
- Public Prosecution Service of Canada (a federal government department created in December 2006 to increase the independence of federal prosecutors, especially in cases of government fraud or other criminal behaviour)
Canadian Courts, Tribunals and Commissions and Rulings
- General Search Site for Canadian Court Rulings and Laws
- Another General Search Site for Canadian and International Court Rulings
- Supreme Court of Canada
- Federal Court of Appeal
- Federal Court
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
Laws from Countries Around the World
- General Search Site for Laws from Countries Around the World
- Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (U.S. organization that tracks developments in government ethics, money in politics and lobbying laws across North America)
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
- (a site that has many key links to government and business ethics news and watchdog organizations around the world)
Canadian Governments' General Democratic Reform, Government Accountability Websites
- Canadian Federal Government's Democratic Reform Site
- Québec Government's "Secretariat on Democratic Institutions" (Québec Government's website is in French only)
- New Brunswick Government's Commission on Legislative Democracy
- How To Be An Effective Advocate (Democracy Education Network's how-to materials on participating in government and corporate decision-making processes)
Canadian Government Websites Offering Opportunities for Public Participation
- Canadian Federal Government's Public Participation website
- Canadian Federal Government's "Consulting With Canadians" information website
- Canadian Federal Government's Accord with Citizen Groups (the so-called "Voluntary Sector") and Codes of Good Practice in Policy Dialogue and Funding
- Also see the Codes in the Treasury Board Policy Manual
- How To Be An Effective Advocate (Democracy Education Network's how-to materials on participating in government and corporate decision-making processes)
Canadian Election Laws and Election System Reform
- Elections Canada(agency that oversees federal Canadian elections)
- Canada's Election System (general information document by Elections Canada)
- Enforcement of the federal Canada Elections Act (See link under heading "Commissioner of Canada Elections" on page this link takes you to)
- How to complain about a violation of the federal Canada Elections Act (See link under heading "Commissioner of Canada Elections" on page this link takes you to)
- Elections Canada research documents
- Elections Canada's Summary of Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial Election Laws (as of June 15, 2010 -- Please note that laws in some jurisdictions may have changed since June 2010)
- Ontario Government's 2006-2007 Citizen Assembly on Electoral Reform
- B.C. Government's 2003-2004 Citizen Assembly on Electoral Reform
- PEI Government's 2003 Electoral Reform Commission
- Fair Vote Canada (multi-partisan group pushing for electoral reform in Canada)
- (organization that holds mock elections in schools)
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
- BetterBallots.TO (multi-group project aimed at improving elections in the City of Toronto, Canada)
- (campaign to give non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections in Ontario)
- Election provides details of all Canadian federal, provincial and territorial elections
- Pundit' provides some Canadian federal election data in easy-to-digest formats
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
Donations to Canadian and U.S. Political Parties, Candidates (Both Nomination Race and Election Candidates), Riding Associations and Party Leadership Candidates
- Elections Canada(agency that oversees federal Canadian political donations)
- Donors to Federal Political Parties, Nomination Race and Election Candidates, Riding Associations, and Party Leadership Candidates (1997 on (but only 2005 on for party leadership candidates) on Elections Canada website)
- Enforcement of the federal Canada Elections Act (See link under heading "Commissioner of Canada Elections" on page this link takes you to)
- How to complain about a violation of the federal Canada Elections Act (See link under heading "Commissioner of Canada Elections" on page this link takes you to)
- Elections Canada research documents
- Elections Canada's Summary of Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial Election Laws (as of June 15, 2010 -- Please note that laws in some jurisdictions may have changed since June 2010)
- Donors to Canadian Province of Ontario's Political Parties, Candidates and Leadership Candidates (lists from 1995 on at the Elections Ontario website)
- Province of Saskatchewan's Political Finance Rules (Elections Saskatchewan website (can also be searched for lists of donors))
- Pundit' provides some Canadian federal political donations data in easy-to-digest format
- Office of the Federal Canadian Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner (agency that oversees and enforces federal Canadian MPs' ethics rules and registeries of gifts to MPs -- See below for details)
- Canadian federal Lobbyists' Code of Conduct (see especially November 2009 Guideline on Rule 8 in the Code)
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
- Donations to U.S. Political Parties and Candidates (link is to website)
- Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (U.S. organization that tracks developments in government ethics, money in politics and lobbying laws across North America)
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
Government Ethics Rules and Enforcement Systems in Canada, the U.S. and Internationally
- Office of the Federal Canadian Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner oversees and enforces the following ethics rules and registeries for Cabinet Ministers, staff of Cabinet ministers and Cabinet appointees:
- Conflict of Interest Act (As of July 9, 2007, this Act replaced the February 6, 2006 version of the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders)
- Guideline on Gifts (including Invitations, Fundraisers and Business Lunches) (click on link to Guideline (PDF format) on page this link takes you to)
- Federal Public Registry for Public Office Holders (Searchable on-line database of financial statements detailing some of the property and investments owned by the Prime Minister, Cabinet ministers, some of their staff, and some government officials (non-public servants appointed by Cabinet) who are covered by the Conflict of Interest Act)
- Accountable Government: A Guide for Ministers and Ministers of State-2011 (first published in 1979, and updated regularly after each election and naming of a new Cabinet (link takes you to version published May 27, 2011) and applies to Cabinet ministers and junior Cabinet ministers (known as Ministers of State))
- Federal Treasury Board Guidelines for Ministers' Offices
- The Office of the Federal Canadian Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner also oversees and enforces the following ethics rules and registeries for members of the federal House of Commons (known as MPs):
- Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (MPs - came into force in October 2004)
- Federal Public Registry for MPs (Information page about the public registry for MPs financial statements, which is not available on-line)
- Annual Report on MPs Sponsored Travel (scroll down on page the link takes you to for links to the annual Sponsored Travel lists)
- Office of the Canadian Senate Ethics Officer who oversees the following ethics rules and registries for members of the Senate of Canada (but cannot enforce the rules without the approval of a committee of Senators):
- Conflict of Interest Code for Senators (covers members of the Senate of Canada, and the Code came into force in May 2005)
- Federal Public Registry for Senators (Information page about the public registry for Senators financial statements, which is not available on-line)
- Federal Treasury Board Guidelines for Canadian Crown Corporation Appointments (in force as of March 15, 2004)
- Public Sector Integrity Commissioner oversees whistleblower complaints about wrongdoing by federal government employees (known as public servants), under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act including violations of laws, regulations, codes, policies, guidelines and the following ethics rules for public servants (Disclosure of wrongdoing database):
- Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service (apply to employees of the federal government) -- For more details, see also the federal Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer and their Values and Ethics webpage
- Federal Employee Entitlements Rules for Public Servants
- Canadian Federal Lobbyists Code of Conduct (see especially November 2009 Guideline on Rule 8 in the Code)
- Ethics Rules for Federal Judges
- Rules for Federal Administrative Tribunals
- Provincial and Territorial Ethics Commissioners for Politicians
- Canadian Provincial and Territorial Ethics Laws for Politicians (NOTE: rules do not cover government appointees or employees (known as public servants), who are covered by a separate set of rules in each province and territory (although the Ontario Commissioner does handle public servant whistleblower complaints))
- Province of Ontario's Conflict of Interest Commissioner for government appointees and employees
- General Government Ethics Links Page developed by University of British Columbia
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
- Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (U.S. organization that tracks developments in government ethics, money in politics and lobbying laws across North America)
- United Nations Convention Against Corruption (signed December 2003, in force as of December 2005)
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
- (a site that has many key links to government and business ethics news and watchdog organizations around the world)
- The Vatican's Policy Statement "The Fight Against Corruption" (this September 2006 statement calls on Roman Catholic dioceses world-wide to work for legal and societal changes to end corruption)
Canadian Government Whistleblower Protection Laws and Enforcement Systems
- Public Sector Integrity Commissioner oversees whistleblower complaints about wrongdoing by federal government employees (known as public servants), under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act including violations of laws, regulations, codes, policies, guidelines and the following ethics rules for public servants (Disclosure of wrongdoing database):
- Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service (apply to employees of the federal government) -- For more details, see also the federal Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer and their Values and Ethics webpage
- Province of Ontario's Integrity Commissioner -- government whistleblower protection webpage
- Province of Manitoba information page -- government whistleblower protection information
- Canada page of the U.S. National Whistleblowers Center website
Canadian Governments Cabinet Appointments
- Canadian federal government Cabinet appointment opportunities
- Ontario provincial government's Public Appointments Secretariat
Canadian and U.S. Lobbying Laws and Lobbying Disclosure Registries
- Office of the Canadian federal Commissioner of Lobbying
- Canadian federal government Registry of Lobbyists (Follow the instructions on the webpage this link takes you to)
- Canadian Federal Lobbying Act (see also links to Interpretation Bulletins, Advisory Opinions, and Regulations on webpage this link takes you to)
- Regulations under the federal Canadian Lobbying Act (Follow the links to the regulations on the webpage this link takes you to)
- Lobbying Act Implementation Notices
- Lobbying Act Interpretation Bulletins
- Lobbying Act Advisory Opinions
- Canadian federal Lobbyists' Code of Conduct (see especially November 2009 Guideline on Rule 8 in the Code, and Advisory Opinion under the Lobbyists' Code re: "Chinese Wall" Between Lobbying Firms and Other Companies -- NOTE: this Advisory Opinion is not legally binding)
- Canadian provincial lobbyist registries:
- Alberta Registry of Lobbyists
- British Columbia Government Registry of Lobbyists
- Newfoundland and Labrador Registry of Lobbyists
- Nova Scotia Government Registry of Lobbyists
- Ontario's Lobbyist Registration Act, regulations and reports
- Québec Government Registry of Lobbyists (To see in English, click here)
- City of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
- Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (U.S. organization that tracks developments in government ethics, money in politics and lobbying laws across North America)
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
Canadian Government Access to Information Websites
- Federal Access to Information Commissioner (oversees the federal government's access-to-information system)
- Federal Government Policies for Access to Information
- Federal government's OpenData searchable website
- Key Federal and Provincial Government Access-to-Information websites
- Site for searching requests made under federal Canadian Access to Information Act
- World Access-to-Information Resources website
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
Canadian Federal Government Spending Websites
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada (front-line investigator ensuring that the federal government complies with the Financial Administration Act)
- Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO - established March 2008 to investigate the actual cost of federal government spending and the actual state of federal government finances)
- Integrated Monitoring Database of the PBO which can be searched to track specific federal government spending activities
- Procurement Ombudsman (established September 19, 2007 to review complaints about violations of the Code of Conduct for Procurement)
- Code of Conduct for Procurement (in force September 19, 2007)
- Financial Administration Act
- Accounting Officers - Guidance on Roles, Responsibilities and Appearances Before Parliamentary Committees 2007
- Federal Government Financial Management Policies for Public Servants (also view all Federal Government Policies for Public Servants because there are many specific policies for different types of spending)
- Federal Government Guidelines for Contracting to Private Companies and Organizations (Chapters of the Treasury Board manual)
- Federal Government Accounting Policies for Public Servants
- Links Page to Databases of Contracts Given by All Federal Government Departments from October 2004 on (Please note, the database only contains information about contracts worth more than $10,000)
- Database of Contracts Awarded Between 2002-2004 by Federal Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) Department
- (a non-governmental website that presents the contracts database in a different way)
- Links Page to Databases of Travel and Hospitality Expense for Federal Cabinet Ministers, Their Staff, and Senior Government Employees
- Disclosure of Federal MPs Expenses
- Annual Report on MPs Sponsored Travel
- Global Integrity (non-governmental organization that, through an international research effort involving local organizations, individuals and journalists, rates countries good governance and anti-corruption systems and democratic processes)
Canadian Federal Political Parties
- Federal Political Parties (Link to Elections Canada official webpage listing all federal political parties)
- Bloc Québécois
- Conservative Party of Canada
- Green Party of Canada
- Liberal Party of Canada
- New Democratic Party of Canada
Other General Information Sites for Canadian Governments and Politics
- Canadian governments, non-governmental organizations and many other links
- Hill Times
- Canadian Public Affairs Channel (CPAC)
- (blog that tracks legal developments in democratic reform laws in Canada and in a couple of other countries)
- Canadian Polling Companies and Polls